Wednesday, October 31, 2012


after all of the build-up, it was finally time to get dressed up and go trick 'r treating!
this is a series of photos showing beatrix marie slowly turn in to a psychopath as we make her wait until we've taken enough pictures before she can go out and get candy. i hope you enjoy them as much as i enjoyed forcing them to happen:

this last one is the easy favorite.

the costumes, for those of you not up on kiddie television programming and marketing, are Dora the Explora and her monkey side-kick boots. the monkey. sidekick.

we really weren't sure how eloise was going to do. she had been coached tirelessly by her big sister to say "trick or treat!" followed by "Happy Halloween!" but we still didn't know if she'd actually do it or fall to the background.

well, it turns out eloise was made for this shit. by house number three she was turning on her little heels just as soon as the treat plunked into her pail and announcing to anyone within ear shot "neeeeeeeext HOUSE!" it was utterly, COMPLETELY, ridiculous. just ridiculous.

 as the night wore on, it got darker and colder. bebe's halloween mantra became "i love halloween! i wish it could go on forever!" boots issued forth a hearty "me too!"

after a while the cold and dark started to wear on our little explora and her monkey.

yep. that's about how we finished the night. after what felt like weeks, we made it back to the car to find that we had been out walking less than an hour.

tricked, treated, and ready for home!

then it was time to see what we, i mean the girls, got.

i know that there are endless jokes about parents stealing the candy their little ones collect, but in our house, with bebe's severe nut allergies, it's no joke. we take that shit, for real. ALLLLLLLL THE REESE'S PEANUT BUTTER CUPS, BABY! and there were a lot. i'm getting fatter just typing this.

and then, just like that, halloween was in fact over. no amount of wishing could keep it going. we bid farewell to the commercial start of the fall season and prepared ourselves for the onslaught of x-mas materials that would be thrown our way. but as we closed the door on the last night in october, we left our last two lanterns lit as goofy reminders of the fun of the past 13 days! 

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

13 days of halloween- day 2!

on the second to last day of halloween, we're really impatient to get our costumes on and go trick 'r treating! we're keeping this post short and sweet so we'll have plenty of time to get ready- enjoy some pics of our last jack o'lantern of the season, designed entirely by bebe marie:

and now- halloween!!!!!!

Monday, October 29, 2012

13 days of halloween- day 3!

welcome, welcome to the third day of halloween! 

bebe! it's time for the crazy eyes! now!

"yes, father"

excellent! again!


now, children! now my little hell-minions! attack your grandmother! tear her to bits!

the jugular, helloise! the jugular! tear it out and bathe in your grandfather's blood! mwuhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahaha! ha. ha ha!

okay, so that's not exactly what happened. but unfortunately something just about as terrible as two demon-possessed children eating their grandparents alive did-

we'll call it: two Dora fanatics, ONE DORA BOOK.

two weeks ago when mommy got a Dora book for bebe and a spider book for elo it all made perfect sense. it was a simpler time. in the two weeks following that innocuous event, eloise had become obsessed with Dora as well. 

so when the lights came up on the third night of halloween, there was a little static over who would get the Dora book.

luckily, they were able to look at it together (as long as bebe was in charge)-

big sister even "shared" the stickers, er, sticker with her little sister.


the spider book got about three seconds of love.

poor spider book. 

almost candy and costume time! stay with us!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

13 days of halloween- day 4!

we'll start off the 4th day of halloween with another picture of bebe on drugs. i'm not sure what she's doing here, but it's pretty awful looking...

tonight was another special night in the run because it was the first night we had mems and teek here!

eloise once again starts off facing the wrong way-

before finding mems for a snuggle in the dark.

bebe continued to whoop it up and watch the jack o'lantern for signs of a present...

tonight it was these cool light-up spinner things. we call them migraine-machines, or seizure-machines. fun!

there was a skull head and a jack o'lantern!

there was, of course, the inevitable switch. 

nothing says 'bedtime' like spinning, light-up fun toys! woo hoo! almost to the end of the line... getting closer...