Monday, February 29, 2016

Photoshoot Redux: The single child method.

I sure love these goobers. 

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Three kid photo shoot, or, Mission- Impossible!

We've all been there- the light is nice, everyone's already in one place. How hard could it be to get a decent photo of all three of your kids? One decent photo. ONE.

Even though these won't make it onto our x-mas card, they still pretty much capture what these three jokers are all about...

Saturday, February 27, 2016

August 2015


August was all about the outdoors- we had beautiful warm weather for swimming, hikes with friends, and lots of exploring right in our own yard! It was a lot of fun, and with school starting right on September 1st it was our last hurrah of the summer. I think we did a great job of going out with a bang: