three day weekend and we're headed to pittsfield to see mems, teed, aunt marge, and uncle ben! it's always so much fun when we're all there, and beatrix gets to spend time with everyone.
we left on saturday around lunch time. we're totally dependent upon bebe's sleep schedule to determine our own schedules. we figured we would get her down for a mid-morning nap and go sometime shortly after she woke up. and we did okay. car jam packed and on the road, off we go. maggie and ben had driven out from nyc friday night, we would get there around three-ish, and mems and teed were due back from a vacation to south beach around six. mommy, bebe, and i all had to get out there in time to go to a party celebrating our friends jessie and liam's wedding. they got married in paris, where they had been living for the year, and were now giving us freedom-fry eating folks a stab at congratulating them.
the drive out went pretty good. we had a little pike traffic, but nothing too serious, and bebe tolerated it all really well. when she wasn't sleeping she was hugging little mouse close and looking around at stuff. sweet!
when we got off the pike we stopped at mcdonald's to get daddy some disgusting lunch, but we went through the drive-thru and you know what happens when you go through the drivethru. once we were a safe distance away, i opened my bag salavating at the promise of grease, fat, and a three hour old burger that the golden arches offers, only to find- health food! well, not really. but it was the chicken sandwich, and at mcdonald's that's close enough. no fries! dammit, that's the best part! at least they got my soda right, a medium sprite. oh but wait- no straw! well, i ate the chicken because to go back would risk a baby meltdown. and it turns out you don't really need a straw either. you can drink quite comfortably from the hole in the middle of the lid. the sacrifices i'm willing to make for my child. chicken! from mcdonald's. it even had some green lettucey-type stuff, which i ate as well. great, vegetables. swell.
but after that debacle, it was a great weekend. we went to jessie and liam's party saturday night, came home and watched the sox game... well some of the sox game, hung out sunday with the family, and came back monday evening. now that beeb's is napping a little better, the weekends away from home are getting easier and better. and since she's in a better mood most of the time, everyone wins!

winner #1- aunt marge.

i thought i'd post a bunch from the same sitting, so to speak. it's fun to see how she shifts her attention and fidgets. our baby is only three months old and she's got attention deficit! she's so ahead of the curve...

winner #2 was, coincidentally, uncle ben (which we pronounce bee-un). bebe luvs unle ben and they spent some serious quality time together.
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