well, bebe's first x-mas was a fun and memorable one. what did she think of santa clause, you may be wondering? the wife and i had a long discussion way back B.B. (Before Beatrix) as to whether or not we would perpetuate the lie of santa clause or not.
i was in favor of the lie for the following reasons: 1) there's little enough magic left in childhood these days with eight year olds bringing guns to school and eleven year old girls getting pregnant that i figure any magical, fun, mysterious and ultimately harmless elements not only be allowed to develop but also be encouraged whole heartedly. 2) our poor child, by virtue of being our child, will be weird and different from most of the other kids, but on the off chance she's well adjusted and accepted by her peers, why ruin it by having her be the only kid who not only doesn't believe in santa clause, but also ruins it for all of the other kids. i'm already going to hear it from the other parents for letting bebe drive herself to third grade and then there are the tattoos i'll allow her to get at a young age... i mean really. do i need another headache? i don't think so. incidentally, i almost wrote "believe in superman" instead of "santa clause." isn't that silly? santa is obviously fake while- look! up in the sky! it's a bird! it's a plane!
anyway, mommy's main reason against santa was that it is a lie. bottom line. and what it teaches kids is that adults lie to them. i say, learn it the earlier the better, because it's the truth (ha ha). it may start with santa, but off it goes to the strangest places. adults lie. to kids, to each other, to themselves... but i digress. santa is a lie. i can accept that.
anyway, mommy's main reason against santa was that it is a lie. bottom line. and what it teaches kids is that adults lie to them. i say, learn it the earlier the better, because it's the truth (ha ha). it may start with santa, but off it goes to the strangest places. adults lie. to kids, to each other, to themselves... but i digress. santa is a lie. i can accept that.
so how did this teet a teet end? i had to trade "no violent video games or horror movies until she's ten," and in exchange bebe will get to know the magic of x-mas. our pediatrician, the famous dr. bastien, to avoid directly lying to his kids, says he tells them that santa is the magic of x-mas. clever. still basically a lie, i would argue, but leave it to the adults to work that grey area of interpretation.
in the end, santa's first stop this year was going to be at mems' and teed's house. we headed out saturday in anticipation of some messy weather, and made it there minus the crappy holiday traffic. sweet.
in the end, santa's first stop this year was going to be at mems' and teed's house. we headed out saturday in anticipation of some messy weather, and made it there minus the crappy holiday traffic. sweet.

as a young buck, teed used to do all of that by himself, which is crazy. it's a lot of work for the two of us, never mind just one person. i have no idea how he managed this herculean task all on his own. what a stud.

we ended up at a "cut your own" tree farm about twenty minutes from home. we still had to walk through some snow, cut the thing down, and haul it back to the main gate. this helped me get over the "buying a tree" issue because aside from the drive and the obvious exchange of funds, we did roughly the same kind of work we would have done had we stolen one from nature.
but here's where it gets infinitely better- once back at the gate, the guys at the tree farm stick the tree in this tree-wobbling contraption that shakes all of the snow and loose pine needles off. then, they run it through this funnel-type contraption that bundles the tree into a nice manageable package (see photo above)! we just tied it to the roof of the car and walked it right in through the front door. we were even able to get a tree that equaled the average size of the trees we had cut down in recent years. this one was thirteen feet, and actually a bit on the smaller side.
after procuring the tree comes stage two. stage two is even more complicated and involved.
after procuring the tree comes stage two. stage two is even more complicated and involved.

also, this year, for some reason or another, we didn't test the star before setting the tree up. and so, of course, we hit the lights and it remains as dark as the heart of whatever place doesn't celebrate christmas. russia or where ever. i don't know. you could practically hear the cacophonous cries of the one thousand angels that fell from heaven into the fiery pit at the sight of our majestic tree with no lit star atop it's highest-most bough. crap. sorry, angels.
after i climbed up to the top, which it turns out i could reach after all, i determined that the star liza's family had used for years had finally given up the (holy) ghost. never again would it light santa's way. never again would such a unique symbol of all of the family christmases past show the way to the pitter-patter of little feet and bleary eyes so early in the december dark of morning. luckily for us, this christmas was about new traditions. we had bebe and uncle ben with us for the first time, so what better time to start fresh? but what would we get to replace such an iconic star? surely some newly made chintzy piece of garbage would fail to compare. again, luckily for us, mems was able to find an even better star for us to use! it was actually the same exact star they had bought all those years ago, but with one crucial difference- this one worked. yay, christmas! and yay not having to change! change is scary! woo-hoo! everything the same!
after the tree is secure and the lights are on, mommy and aunt marge and mems have decoration duty. they carefully unwrap all of the ornaments (again, i almost typed 'arguments' instead of 'ornaments.' huh.) and commence with a game they call "pretty, ugly." this involves asking a third, uninitiated person- in this case uncle ben- if each ornament they hold up is pretty, or ugly. this is a game no one can win. if it was based on asthetics alone one might have a fighting chance, but this game involves much more than that. therefore, when they hold up the beautifully crafted glass ball with intricate design and detail work that glitters in the light of the room, and you say "pretty," the girls scowl at you and exclaim "ugly!" how were you supposed to know that that particular ornament was purchased on a family trip years ago, and upon said trip a huge family fight broke out, the dog got diarrhea, and the stock market plunged to an all time low?
likewise, when they hold up the crudely fabricated pine cone glued to a stick with so much glue that it's more glue, in fact, than anything else, and with one ragged piece of fuzzy something hanging at one end and one googly eye barely stuck on at the other end, and you say "by all that is holy, that is the ugliest thing i have ever seen! quickly- to the roaring fire with that! my eyes will never un-see such a horror!" the girls will scowl once more and exclaim "pretty!" because that was a santa clause ornament that maggie made in second grade, that sassy (their dearly departed dog and fifth burbank- think george martin and the beatles) ate and then pooped out, fully formed and unharmed, causing everyone to exclaim "it's a christmas miracle!" thus securing its spot on the tree each year. it's a fool's game that you cannot win. this year that fool was uncle ben, and i didn't stick around to see how he did because i'm not a gawker or one of those losers who causes traffic jams for miles on the pike because some other loser is stopped by a cop on the other side of the road and i need to slam on my brakes when i see the pretty flashing lights in case there was a bad accident and i get to see some carnage. ghouls. good luck uncle ben, holler if you need the jaws of life.
once the tree was all set, the rest of the time was spent wrapping gifts and just getting to hang out as a family. the older beatrix gets, the better she behaves at casa burbank. but like a lot of people, travelling messes with bebe's boiler. as a result, she can go a few days without a poop, which is no good for anyone. what usually happens is that eventually she gets so backed up that she explodes from her bottom and poops herself silly in one fell swoop. such was the case at christmas. when she finally pooped, it was everywhere, prompting a rare mid-morning tubba time. she was psyched to have pooped, and psyched to be in the bath:
after i climbed up to the top, which it turns out i could reach after all, i determined that the star liza's family had used for years had finally given up the (holy) ghost. never again would it light santa's way. never again would such a unique symbol of all of the family christmases past show the way to the pitter-patter of little feet and bleary eyes so early in the december dark of morning. luckily for us, this christmas was about new traditions. we had bebe and uncle ben with us for the first time, so what better time to start fresh? but what would we get to replace such an iconic star? surely some newly made chintzy piece of garbage would fail to compare. again, luckily for us, mems was able to find an even better star for us to use! it was actually the same exact star they had bought all those years ago, but with one crucial difference- this one worked. yay, christmas! and yay not having to change! change is scary! woo-hoo! everything the same!
after the tree is secure and the lights are on, mommy and aunt marge and mems have decoration duty. they carefully unwrap all of the ornaments (again, i almost typed 'arguments' instead of 'ornaments.' huh.) and commence with a game they call "pretty, ugly." this involves asking a third, uninitiated person- in this case uncle ben- if each ornament they hold up is pretty, or ugly. this is a game no one can win. if it was based on asthetics alone one might have a fighting chance, but this game involves much more than that. therefore, when they hold up the beautifully crafted glass ball with intricate design and detail work that glitters in the light of the room, and you say "pretty," the girls scowl at you and exclaim "ugly!" how were you supposed to know that that particular ornament was purchased on a family trip years ago, and upon said trip a huge family fight broke out, the dog got diarrhea, and the stock market plunged to an all time low?
likewise, when they hold up the crudely fabricated pine cone glued to a stick with so much glue that it's more glue, in fact, than anything else, and with one ragged piece of fuzzy something hanging at one end and one googly eye barely stuck on at the other end, and you say "by all that is holy, that is the ugliest thing i have ever seen! quickly- to the roaring fire with that! my eyes will never un-see such a horror!" the girls will scowl once more and exclaim "pretty!" because that was a santa clause ornament that maggie made in second grade, that sassy (their dearly departed dog and fifth burbank- think george martin and the beatles) ate and then pooped out, fully formed and unharmed, causing everyone to exclaim "it's a christmas miracle!" thus securing its spot on the tree each year. it's a fool's game that you cannot win. this year that fool was uncle ben, and i didn't stick around to see how he did because i'm not a gawker or one of those losers who causes traffic jams for miles on the pike because some other loser is stopped by a cop on the other side of the road and i need to slam on my brakes when i see the pretty flashing lights in case there was a bad accident and i get to see some carnage. ghouls. good luck uncle ben, holler if you need the jaws of life.
once the tree was all set, the rest of the time was spent wrapping gifts and just getting to hang out as a family. the older beatrix gets, the better she behaves at casa burbank. but like a lot of people, travelling messes with bebe's boiler. as a result, she can go a few days without a poop, which is no good for anyone. what usually happens is that eventually she gets so backed up that she explodes from her bottom and poops herself silly in one fell swoop. such was the case at christmas. when she finally pooped, it was everywhere, prompting a rare mid-morning tubba time. she was psyched to have pooped, and psyched to be in the bath:

as you may have read on the (almost but not quite) daily bebe, we lost power christmas eve. no lights, no heat, no water. it was early bedtimes for most of us, and for once i was done wrapping my presents ahead of time. sadly, this meant a tradtion that has taken place every year that i've been there for x-mas was broken. aunt marge and i are always the last two to finish wrapping our presents and have spent each x-mas eve at the wrapping station until about two in the morning, watching x-mas movies together. maybe if we had power i would have stayed up anyway, just to keep the tradition going. but without tv, what was the point? we'd have to talk or something. gross.
the next morning, still without power, we made our way downstairs to find that- gasp!- santa had come anyway! is this what it was like in the old days? would we be having a good old fashioned pioneer-days x-mas? yes we would.
the next morning, still without power, we made our way downstairs to find that- gasp!- santa had come anyway! is this what it was like in the old days? would we be having a good old fashioned pioneer-days x-mas? yes we would.

christmas #1 drew to a close, and in another day, we'd celebrate christmas #2 with mams and grampa glennie, and the aunties and uncle seth. coming soon...
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