with all of the attention on her vest, let's just take a moment to focus on her lower half. jeeze louise, kid.

while waiting patiently for our first train of the day, we found one lone puddle to splash in.

no train.


no train.

lookit this kid!

seriously. look at her.

no, really.

it was a weekend so the trains were few and far between.

after we splashed the hell out of that one puddle, we needed something else to pass the in-between times.

how about we look for fat, juicy slugs in the wet leaves? yeah!


holy moly! is that... could it be? i think...


"bus. i could just reach out and touch it. right there. wow."

"test the addiction. turn your back on the bus. you don't need the bus. you don't even care about the bus. just. walk. away."

*sniff* "bus?"


as the day grew warmer. we ventured further into the bush. well, the bushes, actually.

in an alarming turn of events, beatrix has entered into her 'climbing' phase. we were thanking our lucky stars that she was putting this off, but now we're cursing under our breath at all of the scalable surfaces in our home. she has taken to it with reckless abandon and, i might add, quite a degree of professionalism. she even has her own rosin bag. truth be told, it's equal parts dread and excitement.

we've been saying for a little while that she's just not a baby anymore, she's a kid. well, it's pretty awesome to watch this little person grab hold of her high chair and begin to pull herself up. she finds foot holds, adjusts her grip, pauses to panic... i loved to climb as a kid, whether it was trees, rocks, or even the sides of buildings. i'm glad to see bebe taking it up with such enthusiasm, and it's fun watching her learn the most important climbing rule: it's not the getting up that's the hardest part- it's the getting down that's the challenge. lucky for her, we still respond to her calls for "hepp! hepp!"

i decided it was time to take the train thing to the next level. sure, it was fun watching from the high ground, behind a fence. but with daddy's pass, we could down onto the platform and watch the trains come and go... for hours.




wait! i think i hear something!

get ready...

YESSSS! finally. okay, so the platform was basically a bust. we waited and waited, and bebe lost her patience, just like her mother. where was i? anyway, after the train came and went, we booked it home for lunch.


across the street we saw this guy- he had teeth like bebe!
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