*editor's note*
it's not like i need an excuse to cover my lack of posting, but in this instance it really is a case of 'the dog ate my homework!' i uploaded these pics a loooooong time ago, and finally had the time to write it up a few days ago. as i was finishing the post, i got error messages to the tune of 'blogger cannot be contacted, auto save disabled' or something like that. anyway, i was done so i just hit the 'post' button and off it went. or so i thought. i always check the blog right after to make sure the post is up and that it is where it's supposed to be. and when i checked, it was. the next morning, however, mommy came to me with a snide tone in her voice, inquiring as to the whereabouts of the post i had promised her. sure enough, it was gone. really gone. as in, NOWHERE. i still don't know where it went. lucky for me, my instincts whenever faulty technology is at work tell me to 'save!' and save i did. after some loud cursing i was able to restore the post, by basically constructing the thing all over again from the bits and pieces i had. but you don't care about any of that. you just want to see cute pictures and read about our trip to the franklin park zoo. it's not like it's that great or anything, anyway. you shouldn't be so impatient or excited. so, here you go.
*end editor's note*
ahhhhh, the new year! full of promise and potential! a metaphorical fresh start! well, if you thought you'd find me making some silly resolution involving the frequency with which i publish this blog, you'd be mistaken! no way am i that dumb! ha! instead i'll just say that there's a lot of stuff to get up, including ahemthanksgivingahem and of course pics from that other holiday.
it's not like i need an excuse to cover my lack of posting, but in this instance it really is a case of 'the dog ate my homework!' i uploaded these pics a loooooong time ago, and finally had the time to write it up a few days ago. as i was finishing the post, i got error messages to the tune of 'blogger cannot be contacted, auto save disabled' or something like that. anyway, i was done so i just hit the 'post' button and off it went. or so i thought. i always check the blog right after to make sure the post is up and that it is where it's supposed to be. and when i checked, it was. the next morning, however, mommy came to me with a snide tone in her voice, inquiring as to the whereabouts of the post i had promised her. sure enough, it was gone. really gone. as in, NOWHERE. i still don't know where it went. lucky for me, my instincts whenever faulty technology is at work tell me to 'save!' and save i did. after some loud cursing i was able to restore the post, by basically constructing the thing all over again from the bits and pieces i had. but you don't care about any of that. you just want to see cute pictures and read about our trip to the franklin park zoo. it's not like it's that great or anything, anyway. you shouldn't be so impatient or excited. so, here you go.
*end editor's note*
ahhhhh, the new year! full of promise and potential! a metaphorical fresh start! well, if you thought you'd find me making some silly resolution involving the frequency with which i publish this blog, you'd be mistaken! no way am i that dumb! ha! instead i'll just say that there's a lot of stuff to get up, including ahemthanksgivingahem and of course pics from that other holiday.
if any of you can believe it, bebe gets smarter, cuter, and more terrific each day. just the other day she drove a quarter around the house in the back of her dump truck, then fed it a snack, saying "mmmmmm..." one of our new favorite words for her is "wacky," and she'll say to us "bebe- wacky!" another new trick from the other morning was to stand in one place and scream at the top of her lungs. not yell, but horror movie caliber shriek. then, she immediately looks at you and says "wow," or "whoa!" with a huge grin on her face. it's hilarious and awesome all on its own, but also because she knows she's being funny. she's so great, we're thinking of keeping her.
and i don't want to sound like some proud parent jerk-wad, but when mommy mentions here that bebe has over 250 words (it's actually in the upper 270's) what she fails to point out is that according to experts the average eighteen month-old can expect to use/have around twenty words. TWENTY WORDS. my kid has TWO-HUNDRED AND SEVENTY EIGHT. and these are words she uses regularly to communicate, not just any old word she's ever said once. if we counted those there would probably be another fifty at least. she also throws a mean hail-mary and can successfully sink putts with an ADULT SIZE GOLF CLUB from FIVE FEET OUT. my daughter fucking rules. there. i said it.
at any rate, here's the next post, a trip to the zoo in our neighborhood directly following our trip to DC. mommy said i'm so behind on my posts that i should just start over from today, but there's some cute stuff from the past eight weeks, ahem, so i'm going to mix in some older coverage with the newer coverage, starting today. so, without further words in french, off we go to the zoo!

a lot of the zoo was off limits because of some bad kevin james movie they were filming. it hasn't come out yet, so it may not actually be bad. har har har.

"hi. i'm a dung beetle."
see? it's just not fair.

zoos are a lot like planet earth itself. from far away it appears that there's a diverse group of individuals of all kinds, all living in one place, and it seems immense and brimming with possibilities. and the reality is that up close, it's just a big smelly place where all the inhabitants lazily shuffle from one place to another, entirely oblivious of their surroundings because to acknowledge them would be too depressing. wow.

bebe, what are you doing?

whoa, that tiger just talked to me!

"hey frank."

zoos would end up being a lot more interesting if they periodically, but randomly, zapped the animals with electricity or something. just sayin'.

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