it's taken nearly two weeks, but by god we're almost to the end of bebe's birthday extravaganza! i had posted earlier about her party with morrie and all of their friends (a smashing success), but before that happened, there was the first of her three parties, at mems' and teed's house. let's hop into the way back machine and travel to a time of innocence, to a time where a cup of coffee still cost two bucks and you could fill your gas tank for around $45USD. a time when men were men, and women were women, and a dog could just be a dog if it wanted to- about twelve or so days ago.
on the same weekend we celebrated
bebe's birth, we were also all together to celebrate our friend
lucy's opening of new paintings at
The Hoadley Gallery! here's
beebs showing off her pretty dress which incidentally (teed) was given to her on the very first day of her life, by non other than
lucy herself!

looking good

if you'd like to know the secret of getting a toddler into a dress she has shown no interest in wearing (she's not a big dress kid),
i'll tell you. or rather,
bebe here can show you.

it's called compromise. the dress mommy and daddy wanted her to wear + the stripey shorts she loves = super triple happiness. way to go, family!

waiting outside to hit the road!

when we got to the opening,
bebe's first priority is to hit the snacks.

"daddy, i hate to say it, but art is boring."
just like your mother.

"can we get out of here?"
standing around schmoozing was losing it's appeal (so weird...) so we decided to take a walk.

walk, walk, walk.
bebe became very interested in manholes and grates on our walk, and insisted we stop and peer into each and every one.

turns out there are a lot of them in this town.

alright. time to head back and check on mommy.

"it's cool you guys. she's fine."

off to dinner we go!

riiiiiight after i check out this one last cover..."
with the opening a huge success, it was time to turn our attention towards the rest of the weekend.

which involved searching the back lawn for clover

...and pulling the wings off of butterflies. just kidding. but we did burn some ants with a magnifying glass. just kidding. but we did huff some gas out of one of the cars.
just kidding.
birthdays = cake. cake =

you, uh, missed a spot...
we thought we'd take a
pre-party dip in the pool to relax.
bebe poured us some drinks.

mine was a highly chlorinated pool water with a garnish of fresh-cut grass (organic) and a free-range water bug, or maybe it was a beetle?

she's quite the little bartender, that one.

"what the... ?"

"hey dad, i think your water bug is getting away."

"always more where he came from. how 'bout some extra grass in the meantime, on the house?"
eventually all of our guests arrived:

mems and mommy were up making food for the party at 8 AM. thanks, ladies! it was delicious!

harry and
bebe tuck into a plate a piece.

john's wondering where his is.
vito hams it up

and then hams it up again.


waiting for cake...

vito knows how to say "cake" in english
and italian, so he gets two pieces.


considering she altered the lyrics of "happy birthday" to go "happy birthday to bebe, happy birthday to bebe, eat cake!" she got very shy when the cake came out.

luckily harry was there to help blow out her candles.

time was running short, so mommy got started on the presents.

books are always a huge hit. the kids demanded that mommy read one right away.

"let me get this straight- none of those animals wants to help make the food, but when it's made, they all want to eat it?"

"no way!!! let 'em starve! if they're really hungry i got a knuckle sandwich right here!"

no knuckle sandwich for john.

amidst a pile of discarded watermelon rinds, bebe finally gets her cake.

the weather was perfect- warm with a slight breeze to keep the bugs away.

after everyone left, bebe took a breather on the dog bed. it takes a lot out of you to be "on" all the time. with an active social schedule you really learn to appreciate the quiet moments.
but when you're the birthday girl, there's no rest! on to the first wave of presents!

first up is a pile of stuff from aunt marge and uncle ben!

there were some cute knit cup cakes

along with a bunch of new cars

that she had to test out right away.

the kid's got crazy hair these days.

just crazy.

hey! it's me and the always gorgeous aunt marge!

hey, it's me and the always gorgeous teed!
what do you suppose is in that big present?

whoa! a doll house!?!

it's got a potty, a bed, a kitchen... and a whole family already lives there! thanks mems and teed!
after we got home, bebe got right to work playing with her new toys. one of the cutest moments was when she gathered all of her new presents in one place, loading up the doll house with her new cars and cup cakes, and tucking the family in for a "cozy little snuggle nap." then when it was time for bed, she walked past and said "goodnight doll house!"
thanks to everyone for coming and for making bebe's second birthday even more fun than the first!
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