note: for mommy's coverage of the weekend, be sure to check out her huge blogpost (well, huge for her)! between the two of us we about covered everything...
way back at christmas, mems and teek gifted us kids a memorial day weekend house rental on Cape Cod:

mommy, elo, bebe, and i were the first to arrive friday afternoon. i took a quick survey of the premises, and this is what we had:

she kind of talks in this low-pitched booming voice. it takes some getting used to as it's not what you'd expect from a five month-old.

this was the cool shower in mems' and teek's bathroom. notice more turtles.


mems and teek arrived in the early evening, and aunt marge and uncle ben, who were driving all the way from NYC, arrived later that night.

we spent most mornings passing around the chicken. she's really quite delightful in the morning.

our breakfasts were filled with bacon. pretty sure there was some other stuff. but after the bacon, who cares? damn bacon is tasty.

after fully greasing our insides with all that bacon, it was time to glide smoothly to the beach. not one of us creaked.

i generally prefer the beaches towards the end of the cape- they're the white-sand, high, grassy cliffs-type ones. but this one is pretty nice too.

bebe and teek were the "digging in the sand kids." they didn't even make it down by the water at first. they were so excited to hit the sand they dropped everything and started digging as soon as we got there.

the rest of us headed down to the water.

careful castle construction. crazy wind-hair included with no additional cost.

create your own, for a chance to win nothing!

some rare daddy-face time on the blog, courtesy of mommy:

...and it wouldn't be a family blog post without some sour grapes for the camera from the sisters:

our second beach day wasn't looking as nice as our first.

dig all you want- no zombies here.

uncle ben and eloise get some quality play time in:

all packed up and ready to head to our respective homes:

some last-minute aunt marge play time:

a super extra special thank-you to mems and teek for putting us all up in such a fantastic spot for the weekend. but as nice as the backdrop was, nothing beats chilling with your family! LOVE LOVE!
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