where to begin with jamie beth? riding her big wheel naked down the middle of our quiet street when she was three? putting lipstick on the cat? thinking of jamie as a little girl, i remember awesome haircuts with a questionable taste in music. or is that the other way around?
speaking of memory, i've got pretty good recall. my memory goes back a ways, maybe back as far as two years old, though closer to three than two. i have some clear memories of life before my sister jamie was born. i remember talking with my mom about jamie being born, how she was in her belly and was going to come out. i remember mommy's lap getting smaller and smaller at our house in exeter, nh. as a precursor and premonition to the births of both ashley and seth (which we've already covered here), i was enthused over the impending birth of my little sister. i have no idea what it was in any of those cases, but in each one i earnestly looked forward to their arrivals, and jamie beth was the beginning of that trend.
speaking of memory, i've got pretty good recall. my memory goes back a ways, maybe back as far as two years old, though closer to three than two. i have some clear memories of life before my sister jamie was born. i remember talking with my mom about jamie being born, how she was in her belly and was going to come out. i remember mommy's lap getting smaller and smaller at our house in exeter, nh. as a precursor and premonition to the births of both ashley and seth (which we've already covered here), i was enthused over the impending birth of my little sister. i have no idea what it was in any of those cases, but in each one i earnestly looked forward to their arrivals, and jamie beth was the beginning of that trend.

the second is from when i was eight, making jamie about four. we had a house in the woods with a huge back yard, and built onto the back of the house was a second story deck with stairs that led to the ground. my friend gene and i were playing in the yard when all of a sudden there was the sound of the screen door to the deck sliding open with a crash. we looked up in time to see jamie, completely naked and soaking wet, fly down the stairs to the yard, my mom close behind carrying a towel and yelling for jamie to stop, stop! although it was years before the technology was created, i like to remember this one in matrix-style slo-mo film:
gene and i stand completely still. i have a look of utter disinterest on my face. i look up from the hole we're digging long enough to register the scene. then, i go back to digging. gene stands completely agog, seeing a naked girl for the first time (he had an older brother), mouth open in a raucous smile of surprise, all wet lips and crooked teeth (he was a drooler, if memory serves). jamie runs a complete circuit of the outer yard, water streaming from her body, a smile on her face but something else as well... determination perhaps? she's moving ata good clip and she's thinking of a way to get a second lap out of this, but my mom has now locked in on her and closes fast. she's grabbed and wrapped in the towel by my mom, and as time snaps back to the rapid regular pace we're accustomed to, gene's voice echoes in my ears as i dig.
"your sister's naked!"

it's me, jamie, and my mom in line to check out at the supermarket. my mom is pushing the cart with jamie riding in the seat. i'm at my mom's side. a little old lady pulls up beside us.
old lady: aren't you the cutest little thing (or something similar)! and look, you have your dolly with you! what's your dolly's name?
jamie: vagina!
old lady: excuse me?
jamie: vagina! you know, like- [motions to her crotch]
old lady: oh.
me: [tugging on mom's pant leg]- i didn't know jamie could speak spanish!
she also once asked santa clause for a penis, 'like my brother has!' you would think since she wanted one of her own she would have been nicer to mine, but once when i was starting to pee standing up she walked in on me, took one look at what i was doing, and dropped the toilet seat down on me. a few days later, while taking a bath together, she told me she wanted to marry me. and these two instances sum up quite nicely the dynamic we have lived with our entire lives. hot and cold, love and hate.

there's nothing 'sweet' about our thunder.

i'm sure this went on for at least the first year, maybe the second as well. but somewhere after that, somewhere in there, we started to separate. i don't want to say that we grew apart, because i think that the issue was actually growing into each other. we were under each other's skin, in each other's faces... it got to the point where we couldn't be left alone for fear we would do serious harm to each other. i remember kicking her in the mouth once and making it bleed. another time she hit me with the phone across the face and i couldn't form words for ten minutes. we had the most intense, knock down, drag out fights you can imagine. and probably some you can't imagine. we chased each other with knives. and one time, we had one of those fights where she started it, and as i began my retaliation (entirely justified) my mom came home and caught me. i of course got yelled at, threatened with punishment, while jamie smirked out of reach. i got so mad i was getting the shaft that i just started screaming at my mom. as i yelled, i heard my voice start to move far away from me, and my vision began to tunnel and darken. i was so mad i was passing out from the exertion.
we just couldn't leave each other in peace. this lasted really until i was about eighteen. the summer i graduated from high school i moved out of the house to live at our dad's house. i was working third shift at the supermarket next door to where he lived so it made sense. drive twenty-five minutes or walk two. easy peasy. and wouldn't you know, once we weren't living on top of each other, things cleared up between us. there wasn't any definitive moment of reconcilliation or anything. just a gradual re-acquantice and acceptance of one another. when we were little our dad used to say that we should learn to get along because some day all we would have is each other. i used to laugh in his face when he said that. well, as much as you can laugh in someone's face, but actually be doing it behind their back.
but y'know, parents have this annoying way of knowing more than kids do, and he was right. god, i hope he's not reading this.

but we're definitely two peas in a pod, as our dad likes to say. thanks for being the other pea, jamie beth. it would have been a awful lonely pod without you.

and thanks for being the best auntie #1 to beatrix marie.
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