this is the third post today. and as promised, we have an update on bebe marie's first trip to the beach!

getting ready at home- don't be so modest, bebe!

back into the car! if she looks pissed, it's because she is.

a short time later ( about an hour ), we get to the beach in new hampshire. live free or die, uber alles! or something. anyway, bebe has slept the whole way.

and continues to sleep.

look, bebe! it's your first glimpse of the ocean! yawn, she says. more sleep.
we had this grand and romantic idea of taking beebs to the water and dipping her little toes into the warm atlantic ( almost sixty degrees! ). well, warm for these waters, anyway. unfortunately, when we got there we found were stuck with:

high tide.

the day was hot and clear, and even as the tide fell back, our baby continued to sleep. now, i may blow into her face when she's really wailing to watch her gasp for air and freak out a little bit, but i'm not an asshole. i wasn't going to wake her up, only to drag her still asleep little self down to the water and plunge her pink little pigs into that icy water just for a photo op. besides, we can always try again next weekend, and the water will be colder by then.

still asleep. i swear, if we had packed all of our beach crap and hauled it all through the sand, the second we sat down and opened a trashy novel, she'd be wide awake and screaming. gotta love her. and speaking of loving her, on the way home we stopped at grandma and grandpa glen's to say hi and mooch a free meal!

grammie was clawing her way through the car window before we had even pulled into the drive way. i've warned her against this repeatedly. at her age, she's not going to be able to clear the hood much longer...

she met her second great uncle chuck for the first time, and auntie ash got some serious nap time in.

by the time we got home it was snuggles with mommy, a quick snack, and off to bed.
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