aka: Daddy-Daughter Day '09!
as mommy detailed in her entry here:
beatrix and i got a whole day to ourselves on saturday, while mommy was out being a bookish nerd and hob-knobbing with a bunch of other questionably dressed squares, uh, i mean, academics. mommy, i should mention, was not questionably dressed but rather stylish, in fact. this, coupled with her ability to be seamlessly social in a crowd, makes her very popular at these kinds of things. the other folks flock to her like moths to a flame. she's smart and pretty, which is a combo you don't really find in most history professors. go mommy!
she worked really hard putting together the events for saturday and while we were sad to be without her, we were happy to know that the next time we saw her she would be back to her mildly stressed-out self and that all her hard work would have paid off in the smashing success that the day had been. it did and it was, but before all of that:

mommy got up a few hours later, and hung out with us as she took care of last minute details for the day.

by nine, mommy was out the door, and we were officially alone. how would we manage, just the two of us, all day? we began to panic, smashing the furniture in an irrational fit, crying, lashing out at each other, laying blame then reconciling. we told jokes, talked about the old days, compared scars, learned to ride a unicycle, carved our initials into a tree, and did the dinner dishes from the night before. by about ten past nine, we were exhausted, and totally out of ideas.
an amusing side-effect of bebe's new found mobility is that she often finds herself in the funniest places:
"um... which way is east?"
"hello daddy."

soon it was time to break fast.
you may not be aware of this fact, but bebe has even stricter standards than her mother when it comes to her food.
she hand inspects each cheerio... weighs one against another...
discards the ones that don't make the cut...
"this one? this one right here? it's got a broken middle. the hole is off center. it's no good."
when the binky hits the tray, it's time to rock. let's go cheerios. into my waiting maw. into your doom.
this is the toughy-pants face that mommy mentioned.
"ugk. finner stunck."
too powerful for your own good.
whew. that was a close one! hey, you didn't leave any finger in there did you?
ummmm, nope, you're clear. all i see are gums. wait- is that a sweet potato fry? from three weeks ago? bebe marie!
well, you may as well finish it now.
*gratuitous profile shot*
"oooowwweeee! somebody needs a diaper change!"
"false alarm- just air. just air."
"and where do you think you're going, my oaty little friend?"
bebe's breakfast.
daddy's breakfast.
daddy and bebe having breakfast.
alright! we've had breakfast! wanna go fight some ninjas or something?
maybe change your diaper first?
then i was thinking we could build a fort in the back yard. make a zip line from our back porch? great idea!
you're not getting any of this, are you? you don't understand a word i'm saying.

soon it was time to break fast.

too powerful for your own good.

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