weather-wise, this past weekend was the best so far. we had warm temps, blue skies, and lots of exposed baby skin. we started off saturday with a visit to grammie and grampa glennie's house, which turned into a visit to great gram ham's house (right across the street).

bebe rarely travels without her doggie and some reading material.

she spent lots of time on the floor, being the center of attention, and i have to say, she's getting to be quite good at it. i know most people won't get this, but in the pic directly above, she looks just like UFC president dana white.

great gram ham has a lot of cool, creepy old dolls. bebe was drawn to this one, but we had to hide it because it freaked the adults out.

mommy and bebe pose for a pic. that's my mams, with her paul pierce t-shirt :)

before she begins to crawl around and turn on the "cute," beatrix takes a moment to center herself and get focused.

a little stretching

...and she's ready to go!

great gram ham's house is about as child-proofed as the expressway at rush hour. bebe had her eye on those plants, but plays it cool and casual. plants? what plants?

busted! let's just turn you around.

we ate some tasty calzones, and bebe snacked on one of her faves- cheerios.

i'm not sure if she actually ate any.

but she had a great time dumping them all over the floor.

i just liked this shot.

she decided to share her snack with her auntie ash.
"two for you, forty-seven for me."

aw. auntie ash and uncle terv.

chillin' with mommy.

and chillin' with grammie.
we had hoped to see great aunt rosey, but she never made it. next time?
and now, ladies and germs, i'd like to take a moment to introduce yet another alter ego, in the vein of Chad Randy, personal trainer, Captain Face McFace-Face!, test pilot, and Beebalou McFace-Face (surprisingly, no relation), world-wide entrepeneur- put your mitts together for:

Choobie Fatback.

when the temperature starts to climb, what's a girl to do but strip down to her woolen undergarments and relax with a bottle of water?

"don't be tryin' to take my water."

that's right- four, count 'em, four pre-choob folds headed up towards the sweaty little neck waddle.
when someone orders extra rolls, Choobie Fatback delivers.

but looking this good doesn't come easy. it takes a lot of hard work. and crackers.

"this is a tough one."

"i may need to wait till' my other teeth come in to finish this bad boy."

"maybe if i can get the whole thing in my mouth at once?"

"that's no good."

"great. now it's stuck in there."

"c'mon. c'mon."

"phew! what the heck is this made of?"

"Fatback by name, Fatback by nature."

this kid has terrible posture. and more folds than an accordion.
mommy already posted a little about bebe's work table, but here are some shots i took. she's all suited up for the game later in the day:

paul pierce has really let himself go in the post season.

he's looking more like Big Baby these days.

her other new favorite place to be these days is under the table. she pulls herself up at the chair and talks and claps and pounds on the chair seat.

this is what we see, most of the time.

we had a special visitor for the game on sunday afternoon- uncle steve was in town and came to hang out with us!

bebe is always happy to entertain

but having another celtic fan on board was even better!

there was plenty of cheering

and some big shot moments.
at half time, she broke out the legos.

aw, you guys!
after a tense, double overtime loss, we decided to get some fresh air. we went to the park across the street to play in the grass.

there's our house! it's great having such a big green space so close by.

bebe wasn't sure what to make of the grass on earlier outings, but this time around she spent all of her time off of the blanket.

feels good to get your bare toes in the cool grass.

at least on one foot. i think she's testing the air speed.

staring contest with ramona.

looking at some dog poop.
"that's not mine."

cool as a cucumber.

giving the dog a taste.

huh. tastes just like the real thing.
after being outside in the grass, a bath was in order. mommy hopped in on this one to do a tick check, just to be safe. to a tick, bebe would look like the tastiest sack of blood it had ever seen. can't blame em' there.

hey beebs!

"daddy? is that you?"

"good night!"
i can't believe she was ever that fat!