that's right, i'm speechless. on one hand, i just can't belive my little lady is turning one this week. on the other hand, she's such a big girl with so many skills, there's no way she can't be! to celebrate bebe's birthday week, i'll have posts up every day, starting today. since bebe rolls with such a huge crowd, there's no way she could have just one party. the first one kicked off on sunday at mems' and teed's house with our good friends, the MacG clan.

balloons mean a party.

but what does this balloon mean?

hmm. set table.

it's her party! and she's crying. but like i said, it's her party.

the birthday girl's seat.

"so what's goin' on here?"

"we got some balloons, some friends over for lunch..."

"is there something special going on?"

"wassat? somebody's birthday? wait- WHAT? MY BIRTHDAY?!?"

"you guys! you put all this together for me? you really slipped one past me! i had no idea. no idea."

"you guys are awesome! so, when's cake?"
just as soon as you finish your lunch.

"ra-mo-na... ra-mo-na... mmm. sun butter sandwich. that's it, get that down and outta here. i got some cake to eat."

"why are you standing way over there? there's more sandwich over here."

"fine. thank's a lot, 'man's best friend.'"

"hey, i know that lady!"

"aunt marge!!! so, aunt marge. did you bring along some cake?"
what makes you think there's a cake?

"i... can... smell... it. cake is in the air."

i don't know bebe...
"are you trying to tell me we're not having cake? on a birthday?"

it's the weirdest thing...
"aw, c'mon!"
okay, there may be a little cake.

"ahhhhhhhhh! i knew it!!!"

don't tell anybody i told you.
"told me what?"
bebe had her "cousins" over for her party.


and his brother john, who came all the way from washington dc!

and vito, who came all the way from italy!
now, who wants some cake!

Herpey Burpdat to you, Herpey Burpdat to youoouuuuuuu, Herpey Burpdat dear bebe, Herpey Burpdat to you!!!


"do you have to take pictures of everything?"

"i mean, really."

"always in my face with the camera..."

"here. take a picture of my smearing that fancy lens with this frosting..."
okay, okay, i get the point. i just like taking pictures of you.

happy first birthday party, beatrix marie!
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