okey dokey- these are from our last family vacation day at the beach. we lucked out and got a perfect beach day. for the sake of timeliness, i'm going to throw this post up with lots of pics and not so lots of words, all for the same low price of free. i know, i'm awesome. and i'm going to cut to the chase by posting my two favorite pics from the day right here at the top, out of order, which i never ever do. even on all of those posts where bebe and i have chats or she goes on an adventure or chad randy stops by with some tasty work-out tips- the pics go up as they happened. i think by disclosing that fact it knocks me down a peg or two as far as the work i have to put into a post on a regular basis goes, but on the other hand it demonstrates how much of the blog really is reeby's personality and me just going along for the ride. and there i've taken myself a little lower. full disclosure: i'm not writing any of this. bebe is a baby genius and she runs the blog. there. i feel better. favorite two pics:

and on to the beach!

lunch time! spicy sesame noodles, coming up!

that first picture is AWESOME.