wow, i actually had so much stuff to post that i'm almost two weeks behind, as events go. i'm just going to dive right in here with this trip to the neighborhood pub for brunch. we went with aunt marge and uncle ben when they came to stay with us a few weekends back.

i'm trying to eat my applesauce. must you always be taking pictures?"

"or perhaps i could modify it a little, say, by smashing it against the side of your face?"
jeeze. brunch at the pub makes everyone a tough guy!

"maybe we should talk after
i've had my coffee?"
you're a lot like your mother,

"mommy, you ate all my applesauce."

"no, wait. there's a tiny bit left right here..."

well hello there handsome! oh, and you too, uncle
ben. how ya'
bebe is at the age where once the applesauce is gone, she's no longer interested in sitting around. lucky for us there was this big, empty back room.

holy crap, you're a cute kid.
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