not really bebe related, but this is what we eat in our house when mommy (the chief cook) stumbles around for most of an evening complaining that she's just going to "throw" something together:

okay, on to the

and now for something completely different:

saturday morning, before we went to visit our friends the bishops, we walked into town to run some errands.

one of the great things about where we live is all of the art that goes on all around us. the artists themselves get a little annoying, but it's nice to see something cool or neat or at least thought provoking, every where you turn. and it's not in your face either. like the above little sticker, it can happen anywhere, and the fun part is looking around for it. you never know what you'll see on your walks.

well, it is almost guaranteed that given enough time you'll see a train or two.

trains are a fun part of our walks as well.

it's also nice living in a part of the city with so much green space. when it gets to be fall, there are great colors all around us.

colors like red, white, and blue. what part don't you understand? i actually don't understand any part of that. what the hell does that even mean?

there are also plenty of animals to wave to, or bark at. this guy actually stood completely still and didn't bark at all. he just watched us go past.

this guy was getting some sun, until
bebe spotted him. even though he was behind glass, he felt he would be safer on the floor. he's probably right.

one of our errands always includes getting
beatrix an apple. the kid's going to turn into one.
more public art:

and the last leg of the trip was probably the most fun. bebe decided to walk it herself.

the wind was really blowing, but she put her little feet to the pavement and marched all the way home! great walk, family!
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