wow, that wedding really threw everything off. it stopped work on everything, and left us all in the lurch! i bet you've been pulling your hair out wondering how our vacation ended! well, have no fear- i was going to abandon the last two posts and move on, but when i looked them over i saw some pretty cute pics and decided that, late as they are, i still wanted you guys to see them. so in 'moving-right-along' fashion, we're going to finish up the vacation today with two posts, and get back to the random, whenever-i-have-time posting schedule you all know and love! just keep in mind that chronologically these are pre-wedding, especially important for this post.
bebe's working her way through college the way many young women do these days. and while she does prefer to spend much of her time nude, it's not stripping:
bebe's working her way through college the way many young women do these days. and while she does prefer to spend much of her time nude, it's not stripping:

hey beebs, are you open for business? i think uncle ben could use a little something.

bebe! he's getting married to aunt marge! they're in love!

you may have misunderstood. they're not trying to get out of getting married. they're excited to do it!

beebs, why are you so against aunt marge and uncle ben getting married?

what is it? is it all the unfamiliar people that will be here? you're pretty social once you get warmed up. aunt marge and uncle ben getting married is going to be great! we all love uncle ben already, and this will just be making him an official part of our family! what's not to be excited about?

um, have you forgotten about little baby? regardless of when aunt marge and uncle ben decide to have kids, you're going to be a big sister AND one of two grandkids. really soon. but there's nothing to be afraid of!

well, you do for now. but when you get a little bit older, you're going to want some younger family members to boss around and make fun of! trust me.

we'll give you until december.
after she recovered from her 'center of the universe' depressive state, bebe and uncle ben found something in the water. they took it out and put it on the grass, where it would be safe from the pool chemicals:

at some point in the early evening, mommy thought it would be okay to let bebe sticker herself. under normal circumstances, this would not have been a big deal:

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