...to bring a few selected pics from the wedding of the year- AUNT MARGE AND UNCLE BEN!!!!
holy crap there are not words big or happy enough to describe what an amazing wedding this was! vows were made, toasts were toasted, bottoms were shook to the loud sounds of music! walks were walked, talks were talked, friends were made, hugs abounded and lips were wet with spit. from kissing! it was one of the best times ever! let's take a quick look at the festivities, shall we?

omg. here they come!

bebe called this the museum with the big "M." the rest of us called it Mass MOCA and it was the choice venue for our beloved's bash.

oh jeeze. i bet the ground they're walking on feels like killing itself in a fit of self-loathing at how ugly and undesirable it is beneath the feet of two such gorgeous people. that's what i bet. i do.

as aunt marge says, "nobody effs with me and my brother-in-law!"

good lord, now i know how the ground felt. it's one thing to be naturally beautiful and carry that around with you, but then you get filled up to the tippity-top of your being with the light of love or some such substance, and you freaking glow! i love this lady! lookit her!

this is aunt marge with her great new family. l to r: bro-in-law zack, mo-in-law alice, fo-in-law joe, beau-in-law (for real, y'all. that shit's legal. the document has been soaked in alcohol and filed at the county clerk's office), and bro-in-law, and master officiator eli!

look at how happy we are! i'd be happier, i think, if i didn't have to stretch my arms out so far to take these kinds of self portraits, but i'm still freaking ecstatic!

mommy shows some love from little baby.

the ladies: mommy, marge, and mems.

the kids and the parents.

this looks like some "dude" charlie's angels thing, but it's really the boys demonstrating how all together they've got teed's back. and his front. and his side. i don't see what the big deal is since i've got his wallet and his car keys, but whatevs. you guys go 'head with all that.

the crowd settles in for the ceremony...

and then departs for the reception! whoosh!

mmm... dinner.

like a pair of handcuffs! only golden!

wedded bliss.

dance party!
the next day there was a brunch for the out of towners. uncle ben's contingent were primarily from the west coast and the new york area, so there was a large crowd.

bebe never made it to the wedding since it started at about her bed time and we're bad enough parents as it is. we figured she could at least get a good night's sleep. she had a great time at the brunch, though!

here she is reading a book with me and her new best buddy, sarah!

eventually the crowd started to get to her and we had to retreat to a room upstairs.

aunt marge, mommy, and kung-fu julie. i call her that because i met her once before and she went by julie, but since then she's started to go by julia. so it's like julie- heeeYAAA! julie-a. see what i did there? listen, dumb ideas have to come from somewhere, and you're welcome for that little tour of "dumb ideas land."

there was an after party at the hotel across the street from Mass MOCA where many of us stayed, and this was found on the door of the room we partied in. we were very, very, welcome!
and in closing:
words fail to describe the impact of this weekend long celebration. it's often hard enough to find a car full of people you like, never mind a museum full. there was nothing but love from one person to the next and i feel like i made some great friends that i can continue to get to know in the years to come. Thanks Aunt Marge and Uncle Ben! we love you guys!
you are a regular old riot. I LOVE YOU!