Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Year in review - February Part 1!

February was a busy month for us, since we spent a little more than a week on the west coast visiting Aunt Marge, Uncle Ben, and cousin Oscar. Needless to say, there are SO MANY pictures from that trip that just trying to go through them has put me way behind, schedule-wise! In the interest of staying somewhat on track, this post is just the non-trip stuff, and it's still almost ten times bigger than January's post (see, i told you). We've got Elo lounging, pouting, playing a drum, and getting artsy, Annabel is virtually non-existent, and there are some pics to highlite Bebe's ongoing gymnastic classes (those pics are a little tough to edit, they're shot through a window in the waiting room, apologies). 

February (at home)!

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