Sunday, November 9, 2008

weekend part 1: the fudges

saturday brought a visit from my old friend shawn. he was the drummer in our band and was given the nickname 'fudge,' so he and his gang were known as the fudge family, or simply, the fudges.

when the day starts off with your pal wearing the bumbo as a gladiator helmet, you know you're in for a good time.

beatrix made the rounds, first with alexis fudge

and while the baby stuff was happening, armando fudge challenged me to a flash off:

ha, sucker!

melissa and alexis look on

as armando steps to the plate, hitting a baby homerun.

mama fudge had let the babies handle the baby for long enough. it was time for some real mothering. sensing the experience and ease of her handler, beebs melted into cuddle mode.

alexis took another turn with baby number one

while armando takes a turn with baby number two, aka the playstation 3:

oh, how i love baby number two. and baby number one. and baby number two...

as the afternoon wore on, evening took hold, and the ps3 took hold as well, sinking the clutches of grand theft auto 4 into all of us, bebe included.

the soothing, yet stimulating, sounds and images of simulated violence. ahh...

her reaction was a little extreme at first.

but she settled right in. and luckily her uncle fudge was there to answer any questions she had.

uncle fudge?

what's a stripper?

um, jeeze. that's a great question bebe.

that is a really great question.

i'm sorry, what was the question? oh look- more flashing lights!

uh, does someone else want to hold bebe for a little while?

we had a great time hanging out with shawn and melissa and alexis and armando. beebs can't wait till next time!

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