Tuesday, October 23, 2012

13 days of Halloween- day 9!

this one got thrown off a bit because we ended up having company for dinner, and weren't able to do our thing until the next morning. which meant our thing was me leaving out some stuff that the girls would find. and meant that stuff would be little bowls of creepy crawlies.

the plan was further complicated when the brats decided to sleep in. eloise woke up just as i was ready to head out the door to work, and i was able to watch her discover her halloween prize- and was not disappointed. she whispered "ooohs!" and "ahhhs!" and "wow!" as she pawed through the spiders and bats. she was super psyched. i heard from mommy later in the day that bebe had been excited about the bats, and began asking all kinds of battish questions. bebe.

this is a kid i love. i love this kid.

getting closer! falling behind! woo hoo!

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